What is HS Tariff Code for Import Video Brochure?

The HS code is a worldwide terminology for the classification of items. It helps customs in various countries to make sure that they are talking about the same product and the HS code of a product also determines the import duties. Worldwide it is a six-digit code framework for grouping and categories different merchandise and goods being exported.

Here are two HS codes both applicable to the video brochure. You can check the import tax rate on the local official website.

Class 16 Machines, mechanical appliances, electrical equipment and their parts; recorders and reproducers, television images and sound reproducing devices and their parts
84 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machines, mechanical appliances and their components
8471 Automatic data processing equipment and its components; Other magnetic or optical readers not listed in tax codes, machines that transcribe data in code form to data recording media, and machines that process these data:
84713 Portable automatic data processing equipment weighing less than 10kg, consisting of at least one central processing unit, a keyboard and a display


Class 16 Machines, mechanical appliances, electrical equipment and their parts; recorders and reproducers, television images and sound reproducing devices and their parts
85 Electric motors, electrical equipment and their parts; recorders and reproducers, television images and sound reproducing devices and their parts
8521 Video signal recording or reproducing devices, whether equipped with a high frequency tuner or not.
85219 Others
85219090 Others