Digital LCD Video in Brochure Export to the USA

As your business works to keep up with the latest marketing company-recommended technology, consider melding the old with the new. A video brochure brings back classic, physical advertising while still incorporating digital technology. With digital marketing standing out as a $6.8 billion industry in 2019, screens are making their way onto more old-school advertising platforms.This piece of new tech is exactly what it sounds like: a brochure with a thin, high-quality video screen inside. The design of the brochure is tailored to promote your company’s brand, while the video screen adds a boost of additional digital content. Here is what else you should know when you import or export in the U.S. market.

Funsuper Video Brochure Advantages of Exporting in the U.S.

Video brochures are customizable. Your brochure can reach customers’ hands in a variety of forms. They are available as bi-fold and tri-fold pamphlets, as well as business card pullouts among other forms. As far as the video itself, screen sizes range from 2.4 to 10 inches. Video resolution is adjusted to accommodate various sizes. You can also add buttons, allowing users to control the video.
The brochures are reusable. Want to keep the same branded pamphlet but want to switch out the video? No problem. These digital marketing devices are rechargeable, meaning that you can change the video content. This allows your brochure’s message to change with your goals.
They have many uses. These customizable marketing tools can be used for many different purposes. Of course, they can take on a marketing company role by promoting a brand and showcasing products. They can also provide more general information on your business, such as the brand’s history. A concise way to relay information, they can serve as a press kit or presentation aid. Your business can also customize a video brochure to deliver appreciation to your employees and customers.

While planning the content for your video brochure, be sure to either use an advertising agency or think like one. High-quality content will make this product a highly effective marketing tool rather than a new tech toy. By utilizing the language, layout, and quality recommended by your marketing agency, your brand and messaging will stand out with this dynamic technology.If you would like more information about video brochures and how to customize them to serve your company, be sure to contact us. As video marketing specialists, Funsuper team are here to help make your brand stand out. Email to or call +86-13724243678 for the best quote.